This article called the, “Expedition Against the Shakers,” was placed in the Kentucky Gazette on October 2nd, 1810. This article recounts the events of a mob that surrounded a place called “Shaker Town.” Hundreds of angry citizens came together and made allegations “that they [The Shakers] had secret vaults wherein was thrown their infants” and that many of the people in the village were held against their will. People of the mob ordered the Shakers to leave the area by the first of December, or they would be moved by force. The village was searched with vigorous scrutiny, but nothing came up. All of the allegations proved false, but they still traveled across the Kentucky River to their final location at Pleasant Hill. It is assumed that they moved because of the threats made by the mob.

This article reveals the mistreatment and mistrust of the Shakers at the time. This is a fact I believe is often overlooked. Sources from different time periods really creates well-rounded research for our documentary. This information also helps us transition from the history of the Shakers on the east coast. This event could very well be the reason Shaker Village in Kentucky exists today. This article is not packed full of facts, but it is just as important as the sources that are. There is always more to a story than what meets the eye.