This article is a primary source about the Shakers in 1828. The author of this article uses a very surprising tone. Although he is not a Shaker himself, he seems very envious of their lives. The article revolves around all the positive aspects of Shaker life. He first addresses their impressive architecture and profound “neatness.” The Shakers went to great lengths to make sure the things they did were of the best quality possible. Next, the author praises the Shaker’s ability to be self sustainable. They did not hide behind their religion; they paid their taxes and paid for their own belongings. Unlike similar religious communities of the time, the Shakers deemed extremely successful in growing crops and raising cattle. Their techniques were some of the best around the country. Shakers were also a very giving people, and they took in the poor and the needy with open arms.

Although this piece of research had a first hand perspective of the Shaker’s life, I do not think this source will be particularly helpful in the overall production of our documentary. The article was mostly opinions and did not talk about any one topic in very much depth. I would like to use this source if possible only because it is very unique.