Rupp Arena has been the central entertainment venue for not only the students at the University of Kentucky, but for anyone who loves a good a basketball game. During basketball season, Rupp Arena is full to the brim and fans fill the air with enthusiasm and excitement. Any Cats fan knows this is the place to make incredible memories. The stadium was built in 1976 and was given the name Rupp Arena by the owners, the Lexington Center Corporation, in honor of the legendary coach Adolf Rupp. Over 400,000 fans come each year in hopes of watching their team win yet another state championship.

Although Rupp Arena is rich in basketball history and is known as a center for huge match ups, it is used for many other things. This stadium comes to life all year long hosting world class tours, family shows, and big ticket sporting events. This location would be perfect for a documentary because it has many different aspects that could be studied in depth. Another reason this would be a great topic is because Rupp Arena lies in the heart of Lexington which allows easy accessibility for students. The one downfall to this project would be the season; we would not be able to film the arena in action because basketball season does not start until the end of November. To make up for this, I am sure we could find video clips online to make our documentary top notch.