The Man’O War horse statue stands in a central location on the grounds of the Kentucky Horse Park. The presentation and sheer size of this landmark reveals its importance and significance to the residence of Lexington. The horse is made of heavy metal and has a prideful stance upon its large, stone pedestal. Lights and shrubbery surround Man’O War and create a comfortable and serene setting for the observers of the statue.   

The problems that could arise from this landmark could be representation or costs. Is the horse being properly recognized? Why is faced in the direction it is? How much did the construction of this landmark cost? Could other areas of the park have used the money that went to building this expensive landmark? Does this statue alone bring people into the park?

One stake of the Man’O War landmark is the money put into the building; it was used to build a very respected statue. Others may think that the money would be better used to purchase more artifacts for the museum or for the upkeep of the horses that live on the park’s grounds. Although, if this landmark was not built, it could cause less visitors to come to the Horse Park. Another stake, is the location in which they built the statue. It is located directly past the entrance where you pay which allows more visitor to view the statue. If they had placed Man’O War somewhere else, he may not get the recognition he deserves.